Address:4th Floor, 5th Building, Hiconics Industrial Park, No.6 Fozuling Third Road, Optics Valley of China, Wuhan, China
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1. It’s more suitable for using 30W CO2 laser coding machine, such as paper box packaging of medicines, health products, cosmetics and daily chemical products.
2. For the small part of composite membrane soft bag and colored hard plastic packaged materials , such as bottles, buckets and cups, it can be adopted fiber laser coding machine to realize the coding process for manufactured date, batch number, traceability code or electronic monitoring code on the packaging line. The best method is to adopt the innovative laser coding technology patent of Wuhan Lead Laser Co., Ltd., it’s the most suitable and strongest compatibility, can realize the flying laser engrave coding process for different packaged materials, or can realize the color coding process for hard plastic packaged materials.